Child Category

New York Therapists

Clinicians are shown based on states where they’re licensed.


Dr. Tatiana Grant is a Licensed Psychologist in Florida and New York. Dr. Grant has experience conducting comprehensive neuropsychological and psychological evaluations tailored to the client's needs. Dr. Grant serves a diverse population to include active-duty military, veterans, special forces groups and civilians.


Dr. Azzam has over a decade of experience in conducting evaluations.
These psychological evaluations and reports could be the components in your case that make the biggest difference, as they can add remarkable value to your immigration cases.
As a doctoral-level evaluator, Dr. Azzam offers more objective tests that test for malingering (in other words “faking”) that could strengthen your report further.
She has extensive pre-licensure experience under the training and supervision of a clinical psychologist who specializes in these evaluations as well. By the time she was licensed, she had already completed countless evaluations and reports, and has since completed hundreds more.


I specialize in immigration evaluations, drawing on years of experience and doctoral-level training to provide assessments of the highest quality. I have worked with clients from diverse backgrounds, offering tailored, research-backed evaluations that go beyond basic evaluations.

My approach focuses on capturing the complexities of each client’s story, ensuring that every report is thorough, accurate, and culturally sensitive. With years of experience, I understand the challenges of the immigration process and strive to make clients feel supported throughout.

My commitment to excellence and detailed evaluations can make a meaningful difference in the outcome. If you need an evaluation that reflects the highest standards of care, I am here to assist.

Graduate of the Immigration Evaluation Institute

I am a licensed clinical social worker with over 20 years of experience providing culturally competent evaluations for individuals. I conduct Immigration Evaluations for Hardship Waivers, VAWA, U Visa, T Visa, and Asylum cases for individuals living in New York, Florida, and Washington State.
I am sensitive to the needs of my clients and offer weekend and evening appointments to best meet your scheduling needs.


I conduct Immigration Evaluations for: VAWA, Hardship Waiver, U Visa, T Visa, and Asylum cases. I work closely with individuals, families, and their attorneys that are seeking legal haven in the USA for a better, safer, and brighter future. I'm currently in private practice based in Brooklyn, NY. I focus on anxiety and depression especially as it relates to the challenges of immigration and racial identity conflicts.


Discovery Mental Health Counseling, PLLC provides comprehensive psychosocial evaluations for clients in NY, NJ, FL, and TX, in person (NY & FL) or online. Our Clinical Director, Denise Valentin, holds Diagnostic Privilege, a credential newly recognized in New York that enables LMHCs to provide diagnoses. This ability is necessary for immigration evaluations.

We’re a bilingual practice (English/Spanish) with clinicians dedicated to supporting immigrants through this complex process. Our unique team-based approach ensures evaluations are backed by current research, focusing on psychosocial aspects that strengthen each case.

With years of experience collaborating with attorneys, we produce timely, thorough reports that effectively support immigration cases. We also offer flexible payment options and discounts, making our services affordable.

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that conducts
immigration evaluations?