Ahmed Alif
Ahmed Alif has been verified by Immigration Evaluation Directory
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Graduate of the Immigration Evaluation Institute
315 5th Avenue, Suite 701, New York, NY 10016
Gender: genderqueer
Pronouns: He/His/Him
Languages: English, Bengali, French, Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu
Years in Practice: Since 2017
College: Columbia University
Graduation Year: 2017
Number | Type | State | Expiration |
091216 | Licensed Clinical Social Worker | New York | 2026/12/31 |
108395 | Licensed Clinical Social Worker | Texas | 2026/01/31 |
The evaluation is conducted by Ahmed Alif, a licensed clinical social worker in New York and a PhD candidate at New York University. His research and practice focus on the impact of immigration enforcement policies and programs on the health and mental well-being of unauthorized immigrants and their families. Ahmed has extensive experience working with marginalized communities in New York, including DACA recipients, mixed-status families, refugees, and asylum seekers. He holds a B.S. in Applied Psychology from New York University and an M.S. in Social Work with a focus on health, mental health, and disabilities from Columbia University. Alif is fluent in English, Bangla/Bengali, and Hindi-Urdu. For evaluations requiring other languages, secondary assessors are available: African French (Hawa Niangado, LCSW), Gujarati (on-site staff interpreter), and Spanish (on-site staff interpreter)
Accepting clients: yes
Offers Online Therapy: yes
Types of Evals:
Asylum, Hardship Waiver, T-Visa, U-Visa, VAWA
Age Ranges Seen:
Adolescents (13-17), Adults, Children (6-12)
Allied With:
LGBTQAI+, Sex workers, Racial Justice, HIV/AIDS
Office Policies:
Payment Types Offered:
Payment in-full, Payment plans, Sliding Scale
It ranges between $1,000 and $1,500. Expedited report under 15 days is available upon request at additional cost.
ADA Compliant Office:
All-Gender Bathrooms in Office:
Willing to Work With Interpreter: