Dr. Claudia Osorio
Dr. Claudia Osorio has been verified by Immigration Evaluation Directory
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By Appointment Only:
121 Lincoln Street
Worcester, MA 01606
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Languages: English, Spanish
Years in Practice: Since 2009
Number | Type | State | Expiration |
10884 | Psychologist | Massachusetts | 2026/06/30 |
PY 11340 | Psychologist | Florida | 2026/05/31 |
4409 | Psychologist | Connecticut | 2025/12/31 |
14257 | PSYPACT | 2025/04/03 | |
Dr. Osorio is a Licensed Psychologist with over 10 years of experience conducting comprehensive mental health and psychological evaluations. Throughout her clinical career, she has worked with clients facing significant adversities, including abuse, trauma, domestic violence, and other complex life challenges.
Dr. Osorio and other psychologists in her team are trained forensic psychologists who have worked with individuals convicted of various offenses, including sexual crimes, domestic violence, and other violent offenses. Dr. Osorio has worked with individuals who have been convicted of sexual offenses, both in the community and state and federal prison settings. As such, we conduct Adam Walsh Act Waiver, Risk Assessments (e.g., violence, substance abuse), Competency Evaluations in Immigration Court, and Mitigation Evaluations.
Accepting clients: yes
Offers Online Therapy: yes
Types of Evals:
Adam Walsh waivers, Asylum, Hardship Waiver, N-648, Substance Abuse, T-Visa, U-Visa, VAWA
Age Ranges Seen:
Adolescents (13-17), Adults, Children (6-12)
Allied With:
LGBTQAI+, Sex workers, Racial Justice, HIV/AIDS
Office Policies:
Payment Types Offered:
Payment in-full, Payment plans, Sliding Scale
ADA Compliant Office:
All-Gender Bathrooms in Office:
Willing to Work With Interpreter: