As a trauma-informed licensed mental health therapist fluent in Spanish, I specialize in providing culturally sensitive care to marginalized communities. With four years of experience in both inpatient and outpatient settings, I offer empathetic support and guidance to individuals navigating their healing journey. My approach emphasizes empowerment and resilience, tailored to the unique needs of each client.
Jessica Gonzalez has been verified by Immigration Evaluation Directory
The information in Immigration Evaluation Directory is provided exclusively by participating therapists. When you see this seal, it means Immigration Evaluation Directory has verified the following:
The name and contact details of the professional
That the professional's license, if applicable, is valid within the state(s) in which they practice
That the professional is not subject to any license strictures preventing practice
Immigration Evaluation Directory verifies the information at the time a therapist is initially listed in the directory and then upon expiration of the professional's credentials.
If you find any of the information in Immigration Evaluation Directory directory to be inaccurate in any way, please tell us by emailing:
You assume full responsibility for the communications with any therapist you contact through Immigration Evaluation Directory. Immigration Evaluation Directory shall in no event be liable to you or to anyone for any decision made or action taken by you in the reliance on information provided in Immigration Evaluation Directory.
Immigration Evaluation Directory directory is not intended as a tool for verifying the credentials, qualifications, or abilities of any therapists it lists. Inclusion in Immigration Evaluation Directory does not imply recommendation or endorsement nor does omission from Immigration Evaluation Directory imply Immigration Evaluation Directory disapproval. Immigration Evaluation Directory does not warrant or represent that Immigration Evaluation Directory directory or any part thereof is accurate or complete. Immigration Evaluation Directory disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for particular purpose.
Yudelka Columna is an Afro-Latina, bilingual, immigrant, multi-awarded Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 15 years of experience in helping children, adults, and families overcome the difficult aftermath of mental, physical, and emotional trauma, including anxiety, depression, PTSD, and behavioral issues. Furthermore, specializes in doing Bilingual Mental Health Evaluations for Immigration cases.
Her vast experience in her field paved the way to multiple contracts with several local and national US Federal agencies, Universities, and other non-profit organizations. Yudelka's expertise lies in using an ethical, mindfulness-based, trauma-informed, culturally sensitive approach to help her clients. Yudelka received specialized training in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), as well as utilize solution-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Problem-Solving, Integrative Health Care, etc. to treat patients with Post Stress Traumatic Disorder (PTSD).
YUDELKA COLUMNA, LCSW has been verified by Immigration Evaluation Directory
The information in Immigration Evaluation Directory is provided exclusively by participating therapists. When you see this seal, it means Immigration Evaluation Directory has verified the following:
The name and contact details of the professional
That the professional's license, if applicable, is valid within the state(s) in which they practice
That the professional is not subject to any license strictures preventing practice
Immigration Evaluation Directory verifies the information at the time a therapist is initially listed in the directory and then upon expiration of the professional's credentials.
If you find any of the information in Immigration Evaluation Directory directory to be inaccurate in any way, please tell us by emailing:
You assume full responsibility for the communications with any therapist you contact through Immigration Evaluation Directory. Immigration Evaluation Directory shall in no event be liable to you or to anyone for any decision made or action taken by you in the reliance on information provided in Immigration Evaluation Directory.
Immigration Evaluation Directory directory is not intended as a tool for verifying the credentials, qualifications, or abilities of any therapists it lists. Inclusion in Immigration Evaluation Directory does not imply recommendation or endorsement nor does omission from Immigration Evaluation Directory imply Immigration Evaluation Directory disapproval. Immigration Evaluation Directory does not warrant or represent that Immigration Evaluation Directory directory or any part thereof is accurate or complete. Immigration Evaluation Directory disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for particular purpose.
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